Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Marketing Pond

I wanted to talk to you today about more of the programs in Marketing Pond. I mentioned Clix Sense Hits4Pay Donkey Mails and Honey Advertiser Pro yesterday. As you remember Clix Sense is a company that pays you to view websites. The Pay for each viewed website can be from 1 cent to 5 dollars. And Hits4Pay pays 2 cents for each viewed website. Donkey Mails and HoneyAdvertiserPro each pay different amounts for reading emails. Today I will mention a few more of the programs. Such as Word Linx pays one cent each for viewed ads. You go to their site click in with your user name and password. Then you click on browse ads. You need to check in with these programs everyday. New ads are posted everyday and there a lots of people earning money this way so you have to check everyday . I keep most of the programs opened in my firefox browser all the time I am online so I can check in a few times each day to see what ads they have posted. LinkGrand pays .003 for each ad viewed. Thats it for today. I will mention more programs tomorrow. Have a great day. All these programs are free to join and make money. Marketing Pond